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Archived Article

Spring Time

With the arrival of the crocuses and the promise that the daffodils and tulips are not far behind, spring has finally reached Northeast Ohio. Soon the trees will bud and those buds will quickly be replaced with green leaves, just as nature's palette of winter grays is replaced with the vibrant hues of new life.

Although spring may have personal meanings for each of us, it is typically considered a time of rebirth and renewal-naturally, aesthetically, spiritually, and symbolically. As we begin to enjoy the warmer weather and the longer days, we may notice that our mood seems elevated and our spirit somewhat rejuvenated.

But spring is more than this--it is a time for a fresh start. For many, the changing of seasons and the beginning of spring marks a time for reflection. A time to look inward, to reassess our lives, and to reevaluate our needs and our wants as well as the direction we have taken in our own lives.

As we do this, it is important, not only for our happiness but our overall well-being, that we be honest with ourselves, that we listen to our inner voice, and that perhaps we take the opportunity, personally, for a fresh start once again.

John S. Schell, Ph.D.
Staff Psychologist

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