Website Development Process
Proportional to the project size and complexity, we
use a fine-tuned development procedure involving
- Visual communication and graphical design
- Site architecture, layout, and navigation
- Program design and coding
- Site integration and testing
We use an elaborate development process:
- Discussions with you to make sure we effectively present your
information, products, and services. Analyze what exactly the Web
and Internet can do for your business. Together with you, determine
the size, scope, and complexity of your site.
- An agreement detailing the development and project cost is
- Actual design and implementation begins.
- The draft website is made available on our site for you to
review and make comments and suggestions.
- We revise, alter, add, modify the draft site until you are
satisfied. Work not covered by the agreement and extensive changes
may cost extra. We keep accurate records on the time we spend on
your project.
- Before finishing, we conduct a final site critique to
make sure everything looks just right and works correctly.
- Launch your new site to a web hosting service provider of your
choice or we would be happy to host and
manage your site for you.
Contact Us
We are sure you will be completely satisfied with your new site.
Please contact us for a no-cost